John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him."

Thursday, August 16, 2012


David Wilkerson Today
by David Wilkerson
[May 19, 1931 - April 27, 2011]
It must have shocked Jesus to hear Thomas say, "Lord, we know not whither thou
goest; and how can we know the way?" (John 14:5). Thomas was really saying,
"Jesus, You speak so intimately about going to Your Father, but we don't know
Him as You do. How can we know the way to the Father?"
This was a confession. Thomas was admitting, "Lord, we know You. We've been
intimate with You for the past three years, but we have no revelation of who
the Father is — of His love, His care, His tenderness. Please, before You go,
show us the Father." Yet, that is just what Jesus had been doing for the past
three years. His disciples had missed the revelation.
If we fully understand that we have a loving, caring heavenly Father, why would
we ever be downcast when the enemy comes against us? Why would we despair over a
financial burden that seems overwhelming? Why would we wonder why we cannot seem
to get victory over a besetting sin?
Listen carefully to Jesus' answer to Thomas. It has everything to do with us:
"If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also" (John 14: 7).
Then Philip speaks up: "Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us" (verse
8). Jesus could not believe what He was hearing. You can almost hear the
incredulity in His voice as He answers Philip: "Have I been so long time with
you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? He that hath seen me hath seen the
Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?" (verse 9).
In other words: "Thomas, Philip, my precious disciples, how can you ask this?
You say you know Me, that we are intimate. Yet how could you miss the
revelation I have spent the past three years giving you? Don't you yet see that
all the mighty works I did were the Father in Me revealing who He is, what He is
like, what He wants to be to you? All I taught you was from His heart, not
Jesus' whole life was an illustrated sermon. Day by day, with every miracle He
performed and every parable He taught, He was expressing who the Father is. And
He sent His Holy Spirit so His followers could do even greater works and keep
revealing the Father's love to new generations.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

A Message from Living Truth

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Abraham said to his servant, 'Go to my country and my own relatives and get a wife for my son Isaac.'

 Hello Everyone,
The decision of whom to marry is one of the toughest ones a Christian will ever make in his or her life. A lifetime commitment to one person is not something to be undertaken lightly.
As with all our hard decisions, the Bible gives us much guidance on how to choose a spouse. In Genesis 24, Abraham sends his servant to find a wife for his son Isaac. Abraham’s rocky road of faith makes him a good example for us.
In this letter, I would like to do two things: first, to remind you of the three core ingredients of a healthy marriage; and secondly, I would like to give you ten points to help choose a spouse. While you may have already walked through this part of your life’s journey, you may want to use these points to share with your family and friends.
The three fundamental ingredients to a healthy marriage are these: a mutual respect for each other, a mutual trust in one another, and mutual love towards one another.
Respect, trust and love one another as whole, individual people. Finding and marrying the right person is important, of course, but it does not guarantee that everything will follow easily and smoothly. God doesn’t promise an easy road.
Remember: anything to which God calls you, God Himself is committed to. He instituted marriage and he is committed to marriage. Bring Him in as the architect of your marriage, and He will see it through.
As you seek God in choosing a spouse, here are some helpful insights from Abraham’s courtship:
  1. Remember, there is a right time and place that God has appointed.
  2. When you look, look amongst believers.
  3. Trust God to guide you.
  4. Actively seek and look for your spouse – but don’t jump in too early.
  5. Pray for guidance and wisdom.
  6. Look and test for character.
  7. Take time to get to know your future spouse.
  8. Learn about your future spouse’s family and traditions.
  9. While the decision to marry is between you and your spouse, include your families on the journey and share how God has led you together.
  10. When you say ‘Yes,’ understand that at that moment you have committed to begin a new journey, one that is no longer yours, but ‘ours.’
The Bible contains many practical messages. At Living Truth, we are grateful for the many doors God has opened to us to speak of His Truth in many different countries and cultures. As you know, this is a ministry of faith – we trust that God will provide our needs.
We are also pleased to publish a daily devotional each month. As of this month, this daily devotional will be increased from one to two pages per day.
Your prayerful support encourages us to continue. Your gift of $50, $150 or $500 today enables us to continue teaching the lessons and messages of the Bible to those who are unable to attend church.
For those who have a local church family, our weekly teaching augments their spiritual journey.
God works in mysterious ways. Every new opportunity to air our show is a blessing.
Yours in Christ,
Charles Price
Living Truth/The Peoples Church

P.S. – Please consider a gift this summer – it’s our most challenging time with so many on vacation. Your gift will help keep us strong, vibrant and ready for an exciting fall season.


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