Now Than, Let Us Compare It With What The Bible Says.
It is summed up above these definitions by uniting those with Collins and Strong that Biblical Leadership is: "function and ability to lead; Spirit of leadership, form of government based on personal prestige and accepted by others; Go about, lead, protect, sustain, care, feed, impel, lead gently, advise, deliberate, solve, consult, determine, guide, propose, guide, carry, guide the house, drive, guide, show the way through teaching , To command with official authority, to have the government on "= equal to => discipleship.
Then a leader according to the dictionaries is the following: All these words bring in themselves the concept and the basis for someone who goes ahead showing the way, the way of proceeding or living. It is not possible to describe "discipleship" and / or "leadership" or "leader" in one word or even in one sentence. The theme is so rich and broad that we need to conceptualize it in a much more extensive way than dictionaries do.
So let's get the meaning of these dictionaries and compare them with what the Bible says. When I read about David's life, and the life of all the prophets in the Old Testament, and about the life of the apostles, I come to the conclusion that God implanted in their hearts the character traits of a person who is after the heart of God.
Leadership = sf (leader + ana) Leader role.
What is a principle? Search the dictionary, the definition of principle. Principles are standards that we follow.
Principle = sm (lat principiu) = 13 Standard of conduct. 14 Way of seeing; Opinion: Always faithful to its principles. Rules or code of (good) conduct by which someone rules your life and your actions. Fundamental doctrines or prevailing opinions: Political principles.
Defining Biblical Leadership. If we go back to the verses we stated in the beginning of this lesson we can see that God commanded Joshua exactly like this.
“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
You see God gave Moses and Joshua the Principle of the standard in their conduct. Guiding them on His own opinion. God taught His people always to be faithful to HIS principles. God gave His people rules of good conduct by which every leader instilled by God ruled over His people conducting their lives and actions. God gave kings the Fundamental doctrines and prevailing opinions:
God’s Political principles.
Observing leaders in the past we can point out in their lives that God has approved the characteristics we have outlined in summarizing what dictionaries say: "to go about, to lead, to protect, to sustain, to nurture, to feed, to impel, to lead kindly, to counsel, to deliberate , to resolve, to consult, to determine, to guide, to propose, to carry out, to direct, to show the way through teaching, to command with official authority, to have the government over.
And Jesus gave us the government over, for the fact that he said, "As the Father has sent me, I send you."
This is certainly the most exact description of a shepherd; the function of it. Leading people means driving, protecting, sustaining, caring, feeding, gently leading, and counseling. I know it is a lot to take in, in one lesson all that is taught here. But Jesus gave the authority here on earth to the church, His disciples.
John 20:21 says: “So Jesus said to them again, “Peace to you! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.”
Further in another lesson we will learn that the Leadership belongs to God, and the discipleship was given to us. Eventhough Jesus gave the authority to us, His disciples; the final word still belongs to God alone.
In this lesson I would like you to make the question… And next lesson we will talk about them.
Journal nº1: But I would like you to write about a journal what you have learned in this lesson. What difference does it make to look at it God’s way compared with your way?
Homework = Scripture memory:
Be sure to commit this passage to memory before moving on to the next lesson. Then, practice reciting it repeatedly throughout this course. Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Personal goal: How do you want to make a difference in this world?? Who do you want to reflect?
Until then, may the Lord Jesus be with you.
Blessings on to you all.
Antonina Penner.
Discipleship according the heart of God
ISBN NUMBER: 978-0-9881063-2-1
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